“Friendly Dragon “

Where did you hear that from?

Do you really not know that dragons do exist, they are certainly not mean and terrifying. Well let’s go back to the time I was a young boy. I was always wondering off into the woods, my parents property was backed up by hundreds of acres of government land. Everyday I could not wait to wonder off into the woods with my high powered pellet rifle. Everyday was a new adventure. There were rabbits, squirrels, deer, skunks, minks, all kings of snakes. One late afternoon I was wandering thru a wooded area and i noticed a large shadow come over me as if a very large object had flown over me. Not thinking much of it, I continued walking along. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a large object on the ground several yards away staring at me. I did not frightened me because it just sat there and showed no threat towards me. I slowly eased my way closer to get a better look, and to my surprise it was a dragon. I could not believe my eyes I was actually looking at a beautiful creature.

I didn’t think dragons really existed at least I had never heard of any. Where did he come from. I eased my way closer and closer. The dragon just sat there as if he was not threatened by me. I could not believe it and no one would believe me either. This dragon was huge how is it that no one has ever seen it. It looked down at me as if to say what are you doing here, but didn’t bother to move. At first I thought perhaps it was hurt or injured, but that was not the case. It had sadness in its eyes as if it was lonely. I walked right up to it, it was not mean nor terrifying it just sat there. I finally got my nerves up and i got even closer. I started speaking in a soft and friendly voice. Hey buddy are you ok? It just looked at me.

I walked down to the creek and brought it some water. He stared down at me and started to drink from my hand and than my bucket. I could tell he was glad to have a friend. He could of squashed me like a prum, but instead he got very excited and started to prance around with excitement.

I didn’t know what to do next. I was afraid to tell anyone for someone might hurt him thinking he was aggressive. Not knowing where he came from or how he was in our time zone I started looking for clues. Hey buddy how did you get here?

I knew he didn’t understand me, but he acted as if he was curious to what I was saying. It was getting late and I had to be getting back home.

I said my goodbyes and walked away towards my home. When I got home I was met by my mom and she asked James anything interesting in the woods. Oh mom, i enjoy being in the woods there’s always something new and interesting to find or look at. I’m going to my room ok mom. Sure thing just come down in about 20 minutes for dinner is ready. Ok mom!

At the dinner table mom and I had a interesting conversation. Well James, tell me about your experience in the woods today, what did you find interesting. Well mom if I told you, I don’t think you would believe me. Why not?

I just think you would believe me. Try me!

Well mom, today I found a real live dragon. Oh really if dragons are extinct. That’s what I thought also mom, until today and was close up to him and let me tell you he was not mean nor terrifying. James, are you just messing with me?

No mom I’m serious. James it’s not nice to make up stories, but I’m not mom, I swear.

I know you don’t believe me but I have no reason to lie. Just where did you see this dragon. About a half mile into the woods. You know James, that people will laugh at you if you try to tell this to anyone. I know mom, but I was close up I gave him water from the creek and he just sat there relaxed as if to say, I’m sure glad you came around i needed a friend. Mom believe me when I say he was a big friendly dragon. Well does he fly?

Yes I think he does because before I saw him a large shadow flew over me and I was not sure what it was. I’m going to bed now ok mom. Sure sleep well. James was up and on his way to school, he couldn’t wait to get home. Finally he was home from school and as he walked in there stood his mom at the back window looking out. She just stood there not saying a word, mom are you ok. I’m not sure, what do you mean?

James, I was standing here looking out when I noticed something on the edge of the woods.

James, you really did see a dragon, i know mom, I told you so. It must of followed you home. It could not see me, it sat at the edge of the woods for a long time as if it were waiting for you. Come on mom let’s go find him he is very friendly. They both wondered off into the woods hoping to find his new friend.

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