
Submitted by B.R.T

Your character has discovered an ancient burial ground. They hear a familiar voice from the shadows.

Write about the voice calling from the shadows.

The Star Pupil

It was here .... it was really here !

I couldn’t believe my luck.

All the sleepless nights of research had paid off

So as I knelt down to admire my find , I could not help but feel proud and hoped that my teacher would feel proud too.

That teacher was a woman called Marcy.

I now recalled back to when Marcy had placed the strange advert

The ad that I , her only pupil had replied to.

And I broke into a smile as my thoughts took me to that moment.

Looking for a keen pupil to give wisdom and guidance to .

History and all things of the past a speciality. Stories and coffee shared and a great prize will be given to the one that finds the ancient burial ground.

Only those apply that are seeking a teacher of life and more . Marcy.

A scuffling sound in the undergrowth now jolted my mind back to the present.

I had been lost and bored so had not hesitated to apply to the strange advert and because at that time I thought that I had wanted something more.

The days soon became weeks and before I knew it the weeks had grown into months .

Our friendship had certainly been different but past the weirdness I had actually enjoyed Marty’s company because she was a character that was a touch weird like me

So we had blended well together and I did always enjoy the coffee she made , though I never questioned why she never drank any .

One day I was told the time had come and so now I was to put all of my homework into action and we would meet again soon.

I never questioned these long months of no Martha, I knew she was weirder than weird. But I believed in her and so had never questioned her, I instead kept my mouth shut and my brain open with hours of study that any assigned pupil would do.

Yes it was here , it really was !

Yay, I broke into a smile at my find and wondered what the prize for finding this quest would be.

And I also could not help but wonder when I would be seeing Marcy again.

A shadow in the distance caught my attention.

I carried on to watch in silence as the shadow now let itself be known .

“ Marcy ? “ I cried

“ yes, my love, you have been a star pupil”

I watched as the Marcy that I had known now became the one I did not know.

She beckon for me to follow as she walked me into a hidden treasure trove .

“ you dear pupil believed in me and did not judge so I in return give you your reward ,

you will now never be lonely or bored again “

“ we are rich Marcy , we are rich “ I yelled

as I double blinked at all the gold that was surrounding me.

Marcy gave a sudden wave and then vanished into thin air.

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