Submitted by Oralie Penderwick

'She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.'

Write a story containing this line, whether you build up to it, or go from it.

Close Shave

Kandace backed away in horror. The knife slipping from her hand and landing with a metallic clank on the kitchen tiles. A whisk of blood streaking across the floor and onto the kitchen cabinets.

“What the fuck? How…”. She muttered. Her eyes wide, her lower jaw trembling.

“Insane right?”

“How?” She blurted out. Her eyes ping-ponging from the knife wound in my gut to my eyes.

“Okay. So earlier today I was shaving…”

Kandace squinted her eyes. “Shaving?” Her eyes scrutinizing my face as if it were an advanced math problem.

“Shaving.” I replied tilting my head downwards.

She continued to look at me in confusion.

“Shaving.” I repeated jerking my head downwards a few more times.

“Oh! Ohhhhhh. Okay…”

“So I was shaving and I cut myself. I noticed because of the blood. There was a lot of it, but I didn’t feel a thing.”

Kandace continued to stare at me. Perplexed and at a loss for words. Her attention going from the bloody knife on the floor, to the increasing pool of blood beneath my feet.

“So once it healed. I thought I’d try something else.” I showed her my right hand. The large cut from a few hours ago already in the healing process

Kandace stumbled backwards. “So wait. What the fuck. You’ve just been cutting yourself all day??”

I shrugged and nodded. “I was curious. It didn’t hurt, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

Kandace shook her head and reestablished her stance. Crossing her arms across her chest. “This is insane. Is this what you do when you’re bored at work?? You need to stop working remote.” She said flatly.

I shrugged again, and kneeled down to pick up the knife. “Let’s go again?”

She shook her head. “No. No! This is fucking insane!”

“Nothings going to happen I swear. Here. Try my neck.” I tapped my jugular with two crimson soaked fingers.

“Your neck? Are you bonkers?? It’s your neck…your fucking neck, at least with your stomach I can help you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Alright fine if you’re not going to do it. I will”

“No! Roberto sto-“

I slid the knife across my throat. I could feel my throat opening up, the sensation of air on a fresh wound. I could feel the warmth of blood raining down my collar and onto the floor.

But no pain, no loss of energy. I felt fine. In fact I felt fantastic.

Kandace screamed her arms wheeling around frantically as she leapt backwards to avoid the rain of blood.

“Kandace. I feel fine calm down.”

And that’s how we found out that I was impervious to any kind of damage. That night we stabbed myself in the stomach, back, the neck again and even a stab to the heart. We smashed my fingers and toes a few times over. I even took a tumble down our apartments flight of stairs. No permanent damage whatsoever. The only damage was to our poor apartment.

Which brought us to now.

“I still think this is a horrible idea.” Kandace muttered.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t. I literally don’t feel a thing. I think I’ll be fine. I think we’ll be kosher.”

Kandace inhaled and exhaled. She bit her lower lip and looked at the pistol in her hands.

“Ready?” I questioned.

She hesitated. Took another deep breath and nodded.

“Alright. Here we go.”

Kandace pressed the pistol against the left side of my head. I could see her tremble and close her eyes.

She pulled the trigger.

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