My grandmother always told me,
“You’re such a sweet kid, Mary.
Keep being you, darling,
I wouldn’t change a thing.”
_I love her, but_
I would always smile and agree,
And just go back to read,
My books, my only friends,
Never wanting to reach the end.
_my name isn’t Mary,_
We didn’t even look alike,
Except that we were both little tykes.
Mary was loud, I was quiet,
But grandma never seemed to buy it.
_and I’m still trying_
She never bothered to tell us apart,
And it chipped away at my heart.
My smile started to fade,
As more mistakes were made.
_to run away_
Now I’m here, sitting alone,
While Mary has such a joyful tone.
I’m happy for her, don’t get me wrong,
But I can’t help wishing it was me all along.
_from the shadow of Mary. _
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