Connected. Separated. Gleeful.
Write a story of no more than 10 sentences that incorporates these three words in a natural way.
Since I was brought into this messed up world we’ve been connected. Some would say we were joined at the hip. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her to laugh and never cry. She’s my sister, my skin and blister.
But now we are separated and I guess that is all part of growing up. I’m studying in one country and she’s trying to forge a new life in another. That’s ok, we need new people in our lives and that’s all part of the end of childhood. However whenever she can get time off work and I have a break from studying, if covid doesn’t come between us, we can see each other again. And it’s like nothing has changed and we are still the two little gleeful blonds playing in the sand. That’s because no matter the distance she’s my sister, my skin and blister.