Submitted by The Author

When I died, my shadow decided they would take over...

My Shadow And Me

When I died, my shadow decided they would take over. I am a lonely person and one night where the silvery moonlight was particularly bright, my shadow spoke to me. We walked together and spoke about our aspirations and dreams.

I spoke about how lonely I felt in the world and how I wished to be loved. My shadow also felt lonely but was always happy to see me when the light and dark was right. My shadow would see me and try console me but I wouldn’t pay it attention. I apologised and it said it understood. It said it felt every slouch, every shrug and every slump. My shadow then offered to continue to roam the world for eternity when I passed, to search for that one love I seeked but never found. It explained that while I would not return as my own body, I would return as a shadow of my shadow. My soul.

I agreed to the terms. I straightened up and put my chest up proudly. Walking with my shadow in that silvery moonlit night.

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