Write a story written in a world covered by darkness, where light is a rare resource.

A Taste Of Light

**In their world of almost complete darkness, the creatures know not in the power of true light energy. For none of those who dwell here have seen anything brighter than the brilliant glow of bitter mushrooms that trive in the dark. Knowledge of the light has long been lost to the small folk that call this place home. The teachers now speak only in tales of old, speaking unknown truths in the form of childling stories.**

** **


“What is it?” Gemma asks. Crouching down to sit on her heels. Not daring to wonder any closer.

“Don’t touch it! It could be dangerous!” Obie is quick to react, grasping hold of Hasta by his dirt-crusted elbow. Pulling him back and down into a crouch beside Gemma. Obie’s arms wrapped around the squirming childling.


“No, stop!” Hasta fusses against Obie's arms but quickly realizes he’s being ignored, and his attention turns towards Izzy, who stands the closest.


“I’ve never seen a mushroom so bright before,” Izzy holds out her hands. Using her palms as shields against its brightness. Watching her backlit fingers wiggle in the light.


“That’s no mushroom glow, Izzy. I… I’m not sure what that thing is.” Frog is further behind them. Squinting at its vibrancy through small, weary slits. “I don’t trust it.” He adjusts his weight, itching to leave this place. “WE shouldn’t trust it.” He pleads with Obie. But he’s seen that look before, and he shifts his weight again, dropping his head to ease the sting in his watering eyes.


“It hurts!” Hasta wines and rubs his small fists into his eyes.


“Don’t look directly at it.” Izzy says, rushing to his aid. She crouches down in front of him and Obie, blocking the light from Hasta’s eyes. “Hasta, look. Peep through your fingers, like me, okay?” She shows him how, and he tries it. Then he laughs, proud of himself.


“We must speak of it to the council.” Gemma looks to Obie, the eldest and therefore the one in charge.


“No. We know what will happen if we do Gemma.” Obie speaks his mind aloud before thinking on it. Now unsure if he even agrees with these thoughts. He knows it is wrong to hide such a finding from the council. And yet, something deep within him wonders at the oddity. Wanting to seek answers for himself before sharing. 


“They—” Gemma starts in protest, but Obie stands, handing the wiggling Hasta to her.


“No, your right. This is my responsibility. I will speak to the council first thing tomorrow.” He smiles reassuringly towards her, and she nods in approval. “Izzy, Frog... know now not to speak of this place; we will not return here. The council would forbid this of us.” Frog nods, as does Izzy. Then Hasta escapes Gemmas grasp and makes a run for the tunnel they came from, squealing as he goes. 


The five of them crawl back out the way they came. Sealing the tunnel off with large stones, clay-heavy soil, and a promise to never return. They collect their gathering bags, fill them with nightshade berries, and head back to the village.


Obie walks, holding Hasta's hand and carrying their bags slung over his shoulder. They all move together back across a wooden bridge. Izzy, Frog, and Gimma are walking up ahead, debating the best nightshade soup they’ve ever had. Though Obie lags behind, his thoughts lingering on the tunnel. On the light within. He could still feel the odd, cool air that seemed to radiate from it. Smelled the damp, fresh scent that drifted around it. He had never seen anything like it before, and he wanted to know more.

**I’n the sealed-off tunnel; a horrific groan rumbles the earth. A loud crash follows, and the light is snuffed out in the next instant. A balance momentarily restored, and their world once again sealed away in peace.**

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