Submitted by ivy luna

Write a story from the perspective of a character who has just done something horrible, and is trying to justify their actions.

Take Me In

“ Nothing on this earth will justify what you’ve done to your family, to your guardians. I can only grant you words of criticism, because no other words will reassure you that you will live, because you wont. I am sentencing you to the death penalty, Marshall Hem, and—“


My lawyer screamed, slamming his hands on the desk.

I myself flinched, seeing him frantically attempting to save my life from being taken.

The crowd began to excitedly cry out as my lawyer began screaming his defense.

I knew, in that moment, I was gone. Done. Finished. I would lose my home, my freedom, and frankly, my life.

As my lawyer continued his blurred words in my head, i put a hand on his shoulder, where no one could see, but I, and him.

For a moment, he stopped speaking, and looked at me, his eyes screaming, ‘ what are you doing, dumbass?’

The look in my eyes were clear, and forward.

Nothing was going to convince this judge that I was innocent, nor would it convince them that I was a truthful man with no harmful intent towards my dead children, but they had not considered that, considering how I was the one standing on their bloodied bodies.

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