by Sans @

Write a halloween horror in less than 10 sentences.
Mirror, Mirror
My eyes felt heavy as I opened them, adjusting to world around me. Everything seemed dense and foggy, as if I were waking from a long nap, or finding out something that I hadn’t needed to.
I lean up in my bed, my cold feet hitting the floor as I look around, and my eyes suddenly stop as I focus my gaze on the mirror in front of me, seeing what I wish I didn’t want to.
There was a body, a bloodied one at that, with glass shards scattered evenly across the bruised corpse, creating an array of the beautiful and the unliving as the ragged breaths of the corpse fills my ears.
I feel a smirk drift onto my face as I hum in admiration, the sound of sirens finally reaching the tips of where I can hear, as I murmur a quiet phase underneath my breath, filled with a tone unknown to the human ears, yet a clear one of malice and hatred to people so messed up, they find pleasure in what had came to them, whether it be good or bad.
_“Well, at least he had a warning of it. Should have paid more attention.”_