Write a story from the perspective of an immortal pet as it is passed down through a family's generations.

Beyond Memory

I’ve waited an eternity. Was there ever a beginning? It’s all a blur.

The earliest thing I remember is a field of watermelons, or maybe they weren’t, but the sun played nice to make shade against the cabin awning. The farm field stretched out before my eyes until it ended on a bright blue horizon cut by green haze. It’s all fuzzy after that until the apartment.

It’s funny how families seem to go in phases. On that 9th floor, they were a set of teachers. One was a Professor at a local university. The pair moved to Romania, home of the supernatural, hoping to find how I kept my tiny heart pumping. A Pomerianian mut hound, or whatever I am. Four small paws and hair that never stops growing. Their searches yielded no answers. Immortality is best kept by those who can appreciate all of life.

The village house was a fun point. The pair there had four kids. The oldest went away to school. The next oldest, a girl, owned a horse. She tended to it daily. I followed her to and fro, and that was when I started to feel it. How pointless it all was.

Trapped in the beauty of life, I found my way to Asia, because families go through all phases. It just took one of them to marry a Korean, and now I live in Seoul. How many years from Romania? I’m not sure, but just so you know, it seems I can’t die of any natural cause. I fell from a balcony last week. I woke up to a group of boys with air soft rifles. They were scared. One shot me. I justed barked and walked off. What were they going to do? Kill me?

And that’s why I am at this juncture where I use words like “juncture”, or “flabbergasted”. Four generations ago, a linguistic wondered through the family. Boy, do I miss her, but she was a troubled soul. With complete immortality, there’s very little reason to stay with them. What’s the point anyways? So they can continue to die on me? The deaths of this family have tired my eyes. A number unreachable to anyone mere. Though, I’m not exactly mortal.

All this said, it might be apparent that I’m going my own way after all this time.

I’ve sat at enough graves. I think it’s time I learn new ways to dig something else up.

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