Your character has become a social media sensation overnight and is struggling to adapt to the effect it is having on their personal life.

This is an opportunity to explore character development - who is your character, what made them famous, and why?

Dear Diary,

It’s been a while since I’ve written in here. Frankly I feel like a child for even starting this out with ‘dear diary’ but I need to do this. I need a place to release my thoughts to..a place where, if I’m careful, no one else can gain access to. Who am I kidding? With this level public interest they’ll probably find this diary. Heck, you’re probably reading this from a random Reddit thread right now where my stalker/hacker/armed robber or boyfriend posted a photo of this entry. It’s so.. how I do I put it? I feel like I’m an animal at a zoo. My parents raised me better than this. At the beginning of every prayer we start by saying thank you. This entry is a prayer. I’m thankful. I’m so grateful that my song covers are getting so much attention. I won’t pretend that I never imagined that I could get this much attention from them. That’s a lie. I know that I have a great voice. My parents paid a lot of money to make sure of that, and I’m grateful for them too. What I didn’t expect is all the other things that came with it. I like that people love my song covers, that they are inspired by me and they’re even making tik tok dances to the songs! But the negative comments… the very personal insults.. the level of interest on who I’m dating… I didn’t realize how bad that could get. Just the other day I watched a 20 minute video speculating on the plastic surgery I’ve gotten over the years. They had only like 5 photos of me that they were using as evidence. Today morning I saw photos of me on a date on a random Instagram gossip page. And I know this is just the beginning. The higher I rise the worse this stuff will become. I’m honestly not sure I want to endure this for the rest of my life… but I want to continue getting attention for my music, and eventually become a successful touring artist. Lord help me