When will..

When was the first time?

When did it start?

This thought of “I am not enough”?

It clawed at flesh and bone,

And held its place deep inside.

Where did all the strength go to say no?

At what point did all my challenges become so weak in voice?

How can this limiting belief silence and control all?

What happened to all the rest of me?

Why did this happen?

What can I do to make a lasting change?

When so much of my is tired?

Where the tears roll down,

And my heaving breathe is my only sound -

I am hugging me, trying to hold what is left of me -

How did I get to this?

Can I make a new start?

Have I enough pieces left to put it back together?

Or have they drifted like burnt wood?

The ashes weak, frail, flown on wind.

I think deep down I know this is not right?

Why else would I be questioning it?

Dare I ask, what else is there?

When will be the last time?

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