"That's my goldfish!"
Write an action or thriller scene that contians this line.
First Day On The Job
Today is my first day on the job. After years of training and hard work, I’d finally reached my goal; I was accepted as a secret agent into the Alliant task force. Today is the day to prove that I’m truly worthy of my title. My task is to infiltrate an enemy task force, Teno. Teno is planning to release a bomb on a nearby city. I entered the warehouse in a very discrete disguise; it was very different from my usual attire. My auburn hair was now platinum blonde and placed into a low ponytail. And my grungy attire was now entirely business casual, as commanded by Alliant.
As I entered the warehouse, I noticed three henchmen. They were all very tall and brawny. They also wore long suit jackets as an attempt to hide the guns that were sticking out of their pockets. Their brooding demeanor was felt heavily in the atmosphere. All eyes were suddenly on me. They knew exactly what I had come to do.
“So are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?” I said sarcastically as I braced myself for combat. Two henchmen swung at me as I lunged for the control panel. They punched me left and right as I attempted to reach the panel. I suddenly dropped to the floor as I thought about my last move. All I had to do was stop the men from entering the password into the computer, and I would accomplish my mission. Problem is, I haven’t figured out the password yet.
Now I have two objectives, find the password and stop the bomb. I searched the room for clues but couldn’t find anything. “There has to be some clue around here.” I murmured to myself as I thought of a way out. I stood up and dodged the oncoming attacks. Then I noticed something out of the blue. A fish tank with one goldfish and pebbles with letters on each one. It was discreet, but brilliant.
As I made my way toward the tank, I was pushed down by the third henchmen. He tackled me from behind and pinned me to the ground. I was unable to get up due to our weight imbalance. However, I came up with a brilliant idea. I took a nearby book and swung it at the fish tank. Water spilled out onto the floor, causing two henchman to trip and fall. The other henchman shrieked in horror as the goldfish fell onto the ground, “That’s my goldfish!” He lunged at the goldfish in an attempt to save it. “Sorry bud!” I said maliciously. With the henchmen out of the way, I quickly scanned the pebbles. Each letter came out to spell
“D E A C T I V A T E 1 0 1 0 $.” “Well that’s a dumb password.” I giggled as I entered the code. Now this is the moment of truth, all I have to do is deactivate the bomb. At last, I have completed my mission! The three henchmen were sent to jail and Teno was shut down. In the end, I ended up with a promotion and decided to raise the goldfish from the warehouse.