Submitted by Demilade
If only she knew.
Write a story or poem that has this as the opening line.
If only she knew.
As I walked into the diner I always go to this girl caught my eye. I got my coffee and a biscuit then sat down near the back. I couldn’t help but stare. What if she though the same about me. Stop it! Get that though out of your mind she doesn’t.
A couple minutes later she got up. Is she walking over to me? Nope, she was just leaving. I slowly walked behind her leaving me coffee to get cold.
Thump Thump Thump Thump. My heart was ponding in my chest. If only she knew I thought this way about her.
She turned around.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
“Uhh, uhhh, my name is Brandon.” Ugh why did I studer it’s probaly so obvious now.
“That’s a nice name. I am Heidi.”
“Cool, I have to go talk to you later.”
I ran as fast as I could back to the diner. My lungs and heart were going to explode. When I got back my coffee wasn’t there any more so I decided to get another cup.
I should’ve just got her number but no I chickened out. Why, why, why. I should’ve. She would know and then we could’ve been something but no I had to run from her.
That night I couldn’t fall asleep. The fact that I would never see her again kept me awake.
I only she knew.