Really well written piece and I loved the demonstration of the pain the beast was feeling you used when you put:
> As the laser met its body, it swept its head from left to right and let out an agonising scream
Although, I think that you could improve in some areas, read further if you’d like advice:
I noticed one spelling mistake in their, which was fine, it happens to every writer, if you can’t find it it’s in the line
> Which let a shudder erupt on even the strongest solder (soldier)
And I think that there are some parts where you over describe verbs like the sentence:
> which let a shudder erupt on even the strongest soldier
Although it is good to use descriptive words a lot of the time sometimes it’s unnecessary and i think this piece could be improved by simplifying the verb you described the soldiers doing and focusing on the majority, here’s an example if you’d like:
> Which caused the soldiers to stumble about the [Adjective] [setting]
And lastly, i noticed you stopped using the “show don’t tell” method in the last paragraph and don’t get me wrong, not every paragraph needs to use it but I think the part in question could be improved with it
Instead of saying:
> the beast was angered
Say something like
> The beasts eyes lit up and it let out a shriek, diving for the soldiers.
This tells the reader that the beast is angry without spoon feeding it to them.
I’d like to end this by saying I really enjoyed this piece and can tell you’re a creative and talented writer, if you read this I hope it can help you improve as a writer <3