Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.

Pillow Case Face

Dear Pillow Case Face, Pillow case face, Tears or rain, You try to hold the facade down, Try to prevent the disgrace. Pillow case face, Foe or friend, You fooled us once more, With your tricks, you leave no trace. Pillow case face, Dying inside, Carrying all that weight, For no one gave you an embrace. Pillow case face, Who are you really? Not as fluffy as you seem, Your just trying to not to displace, Pillow case face, You see the world go by, Eyes beaming, grinning, But just trying not to lose the race. Pillow case face, I’m sorry, I am, I’ll do my best for you, I’ll give everything to show your case. From, The person who knows that the biggest smile often hides the saddest soul. - I’m here for you. Always.
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