You wake as a character in an old novel. Whilst you work out how to get back to the modern day, you must remain inconspicuous.
Don't worry if you haven't read any old novels; try to think about how the times were different to now, and how you would try to fit in.
Whenever something goes wrong in my life, I go to my escape, books. I have a secret that no one knows. When I read a book, no matter what it is, I’ll get transported to the place.
After the time I ended up in Dracula’s castle, I started being a little more careful about what I read.
I scroll through the books on the tablet, looking for a new book to read.
My brother, Lyman and I share the tablet, so there’s usually a new book downloaded. I find one that looks interesting soon enough.
The cover shows a man with bright red hair looking out a window. He’s holding a gun.
I touch the summary section and skim through it.
“Hmm,” I think for a while. It’s a Wild West themed book. I’ve already been in the Wild West a few times with Louis L’amour’s characters, but this is a new author.
New authors are risky, but I already want to read this one and I know that I’ll never get it off my mind until I do.
I open the book and find myself in what appears to be the dining room.
I’m going on an adventure with Hopalong Cassidy and his friends.
I hope it turns out great!