Everything is nothing and nothing is everything.

He towers over the vast nothingness that seems to overtake the city, the country, the world, the universe. The ringing in the ears doesn’t seem to stop from the amount of gunshots and fatal screams he heard over the past seven days. He never imagined that the written fate in the holy book would actually happen, but even more he didn’t expect to survive it.

Some could say that it was pure luck. But where is the luck when everyone you once knew and loved died in the hands of bloodthirsty creatures of the hell? Not like he actually had someone he deeply cared for. He wouldn’t have locked himself up in his apartment for 15 years without social interaction if it he actually had someone. And the only form of affection he ever got was the money his father would sent him monthly. He was okay with that.

As he watched the pile of junk that, most probably, flattened the people under it. He watched as the blood was stil gushing out of people, some still moaning in pain. He didn’t move to help them or even end their pain. He just stood there watching. There was a minimum chance of anyone surviving this catastrophe. But as he sat there and watched he started contemplating what is there to do.

There is nothing. But nothing is everything and everything is nothing.

Would he attempt to save the humanity by actually helping the people that are living by a hanging thread? Would he put his shoulder in for once and try to aid other people and restore humanity once again? Try to create a better society, new political forms, be there when the new traditions would form, when the folk tales would form. Would he try be a part of history?

He jumped off the pile of junk stumbling on some debris and scraping his skin on the way down. He hissed in pain but brushed it off immediately as he saw a man in his soldier uniform who has been moaning for the past hour in pain. Other than the crushed lower half of the body, he might even function as a proper human if he got the proper aid.

He eyes the gun in front of the soldier and takes it in his hands and tries to feel its weight. He has seen this type of assault rifle in many games he has played over the years. He was sort of excited to actually hold something that seemed so familiar but never actually touch before.

He has been a leech from the day he was born. He wouldn’t start providing for humanity now.

He placed the rifle in his mouth.

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