The Revelation

I thought of something

Just this morn

As never I had

Thought before

And when I did,

Time just stopped

Surely she told me

And I had forgot…

All the times

The good the bad

The laughter we shared

And the fights we’ve had

All seem staged

Through hindsight’s eye

With this revelation

Of Mine…

Time, they say

Whomever they be

Will heal this empty

New version of me…

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Can you help me out

Once and for all

Tell me please

Who is the woman

I was to be?

I need to know

So I can find me…

Nothing is real

No memories

Just bits and pieces

Highlight reels

From a life unlived

Then drowned in pills

I remember now

In my youth

Or prior to

There’s one reminder

And that is you.

Memories taken

Lies instead

The mirror revealing

The walking dead

I thought the truth

Would set me free?

This same truth

You stole from me.

How ever did I not know?

I feel so empty

Where do I go?

Am I the only one left

Who didn’t know?

What, pray tell

Could be so bad?

Leave the good ones

If any were had

Who got to choose?

Which thoughts to keep

And which to loose?

She began to cry

If that was real

This one truth

None can steal

I know this truth

To be so real

Time, at times,

We don’t trust to heal

We can take a dream

And make it real

The thing, though

With a dream

Is we all wake up

Nothing as seemed

Nightmares born

From the womb of the dream

The only dreaming I’ve ever had

Are of a girl

Alone. And sad.

Yearning for something

She used to have….

A door appears

She starts to shake

And now, for years

This is where I wake myself

I can imagine nothing else

“Open the door”

I hear a voice

My hand goes out

Against my choice

“What do you see?”

This Voice it’s loud

It’s scaring me

“Say it”

I can’t it’s choking me

My eyes open

Blurred vision

People surround

Though none have spoken

A face I know…

Anyone, please….

I open my mouth

I try to make them

But words don’t come out

Suddenly I feel a sting…

My eyes,

Against my will closing

“Now where were we?”

Ohmygod no it can’t be

“Come over here and sit by me….”

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