With the night comes darkness, but also stars.

Write a poem inspired by, or containing this line.

They Dwell In Night

With the night comes darkness, but also stars.

They shine bright, showing the way.

You’d think to trust them.

Do not.

They are liars.

Pretty little lies no one ever thinks twice about.

After all, how can something that gives you the path, every time without fail, ever be a liar?

That my friend, is the issue.

It may seem that they show you the way, but that is simply not true.

Have you not noticed the moon doesn’t reflect off the ocean shore anymore?

That the birds don’t screech when you settle onto your boat?

That maybe, just maybe, something isn’t quite right with the place you call home?

The place you _left._

Y’know, the one you thought you could go _back to?_

You are no longer one of them, and the stars made sure of it.

They don’t like you much.

Have you noticed that when you sail you go in circles?

You always end up right back where you started.

There’s no leaving this place.

Have you realized that the people you knew don’t have faces?

The stars took them.

They want yours.

You can’t leave.

What will you do now?

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