Submitted by M.W.B-B

“When the time comes, be ready.”

Write a short scene where this piece of speech is used.

No Retreat, No Surrender (Part 2)

Danny closed his eyes and expected to feel the blast of a bullet. But instead, he heard Leonard scream in pain. Danny’s eyes flew open to see Leonard laying on the ground, blood flowing out of his chest.

“What the-?”, exclaimed Danny. He didn’t have a gun on him. And if he did, he wouldn’t fire. Him getting killed was all apart of the plan to land Leonard in jail.

“Don’t worry Daniel”, soothed a familiar voice ,”Your stupid, but your alive”.

Danny turned around to see his partner, Harvey, holding a gun by his side.

“Harv?”, Danny asked, stunned ,”What in God’s name are you doing here.

“Making sure my best friend doesn’t act like an idiot”, explained Harvey ,”Now come on. Sadie is at your house with Diana. Don’t want to keep your wife waiting, do you?”

Diana. “Oh god”, Danny thought ,”How could I have forgotten about Diana?”

“Umm, yeah, let’s go”, Danny replied after a minute of silence.

“Great”, Harvey said ,”Floyd will come down and get your car. You can just drive with me”.

“Okay”, Danny responded wearily, then proceeded to walk towards the car. When Harvey closed his car door, he turned to Danny.

“There are a lot more safer and simple ways to put a guy in jail. Trying to get yourself killed isn’t one of them. Why’d you do it?”, asked Harvey.

Danny sighed.

“I’ve been trying for 5 years trying to nail this guy for Santiago’s murder”, Danny explained ,”The guy wouldn’t admit it. I was desperate Harv. Santiago’s mother came to me about a week ago, begging for me to but the man responsible for her son’s murder away. This was the only option”. Harvey stared straight ahead, silent.

“You could have told me, you know”, reasoned Harvey ,”We could have found a way”.

“Lieutenant James told me not to tell anybody”, said Danny.

“Well, your lucky I showed up and saved your behind or you would’ve been the man bleeding on the ground instead of Leonard”, Harvey replied.

“How did you find me anyway?”, Danny asked.

“Diana told me about your plan when we arrived at your house”, Harvey explained ,”And sure enough, I was driving all the way over here to save your butt”. Danny couldn’t help but smile to him self.

“Thanks again, Harv”, Danny said.

“Anytime Daniel”, Harvey replied.

• • • • •

Less than 30 minutes later, the 2 were back at Danny’s house. When Danny stepped in the door, screams followed.

“DANIEL LUKE ADAMS!”, yelled Diana ,”I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK THAT YOU WOULD BE DEAD AT GOD KNOWS WHERE! BUT HERE YOU ARE, WALTZING BAKC IN HERE! IF I WASN’T SO GLAD TO SEE YOU, I’D KILL YOU MY SELF!” Diana ran towards her husband and hugged him. A couple of minutes later, Danny’s younger sister, Sadie, walked in the room. Her expression went from sad to angry.

“Don’t you ever, and I mean ever, pull a stunt like that ever again, you hear me Daniel Adams?”, said Sadie dangerously.

“Yes ma’am”, Danny replied jokingly. A smile came over Sadie’s face and she to walked over to hug her brother.

“I love you Danny”, Sadie whispered.

“I love you too, Sadie”, Danny responded happily.

• • • • •

When Harvey and Sadie left, Danny and Diana sat alone in their living room.

“Danny?”, Diana asked.

“Yes?”, Danny replied.

“What…what will happen if you are killed in the line of duty”, questioned Diana. Danny stared at the floor.

“I don’t know”, answered Danny ,”But when the time comes, be ready”.

“Ok-okay”, stuttered Diana.

“But that time isn’t now”, Danny said ,”so just make that best of it”. And with that, Danny put his hand on Diana’s cheek and pulled her in for a kiss.

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