Write a story written in a world covered by darkness, where light is a rare resource.

A Writing From An Absolute Stranger :)

[AUTHORS NOTE: Read this if you want something slightly depressing! I had fun writing it :3

A little background information- Edgar is the son of the leader of the underworld (satan, lucifer, the devil, hades, idk idc) and he lives in a disfunctional family’s attic due to fatherly connection. Calliope, the son, is the only one who knows Edgar lives there. They’re friends and yada yada you get the idea. Hopefully your still going to read it. Have fun :>

(Btw, I had literally no clue what to name this, so , *shrugs*.) ]

{Be careful if abuse triggers you, and they are FRIENDS. Edgar might (maybe, possibly) have a small crush on Calli, but that’s not the point here}

Edgar pulled the boy close to him, murmuring various words of reassurance while running his pale fingers through his friend’s hair.

“Edgar,” Calliope whispered from where his face was pressed against Edgar’s chest. “I wish we could kill him.”

There was a deafening silence that filled the poorly lit attic. The only things that were audible were the faint creaking of old wood along with the flutter of rotting curtains.

“So do I,” Edgar whispered darkly, and he heard a dangerous edge to his voice when he said it. “When that abomination of a man makes it to my father, I swear to you, he will feel thousands of times more pain than he has made you feel.”

There was a faint sound of choking before Calliope began to sob. Edgar felt his shirt dampen with his friend’s tears, and he rubbed a hand comfortingly on Calliope’s back. “My mother is out there,” Calliope murmured miserably. The pain in his voice made Edgar want to break something if only it would chase it away.

“You must remember,“ Edgar started, his voice slightly shaken, “that no matter what happens to her, we will have each other.” Calliope gripped Edgar’s necktie as he tried to muffle his cries into the fabric of Edgar’s shirt. “No matter what,” Edgar finished with a quick squeeze around the boy’s waist.

“N-No matter what,” Calliope made out through his tears.

Then, despite himself, Edgar glimpsed towards the door, and a horrible rush of terror flooded through him as he thought about the man that could come through it at any moment. He took a deep breath and remembered that even if he did, he wouldn’t be able to see them in the darkness that shrouded the room.

They stayed like that for a few hours, and eventually they pulled apart and moved to lie on separate sides of Edgar’s mattress. The quilt that he usually used was downstairs in Calliope’s laundry room, and neither of them would risk getting it.

“I can’t lose her,” Calliope finally choked out, his voice still slightly ragged even through he stopped crying a few hours ago. Edgar silently reached his hand out to the boy, and Calliope’s fingers curled tightly around his. “She has been my only happiness since you came along, and even though she never did anything to stop him, she is still my mum.”

Edgar wasn’t sure how to respond. He remembers the nights when Calliope would wordlessly crawl into his bed, only to disappear before sunrise, leaving a dark red splotch on the mattress from his wounds. The screams and raised voices that would end in a deafening silence. The clashes and clatters of glass shattering and things being thrown about the place.

He felt fury rush into his blood, and he gritted his teeth to mollify its bite. “We-We could run away.” The words were forced.

Calliope sat up, and Edgar quickly added, “If your mother isn’t-uh-if we bring your mother of course.”

Calliope turned to Edgar, who also sat up. “Edie? You would do that for me? You would leave the anchor-the only ways of communication with your father-for the sake of, well, me?”

Edgar squeezed Calliope’s hand, and didn’t hesitate to respond. “Yes.”

He would die for him, but Edgar didn’t say that. He couldn’t. Not when that would open doors he’s been trying so hard to close.

Calliope was silent for a moment, and although Edgar could only see the faint contours of the boy, he could tell he was analyzing him.

“We should sleep,” Calliope said at last, and although it was evident that sleep would not find them, he agreed.

As long as they don’t lose each other, they could get through anything.

[AUTHORS NOTE: If you made it through then I hoped you enjoyed :D

I might write more from this if you guys think I should, but if not then coolio hoolio bonjollio.

Welp. Embrace the madness folks! :) ]

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