Resignation Letter

Hitting send on that email felt like hitting the reset button on my entire life. For years now I’d been staying out of sight, just doing what I had to do to get by and not get fired. Which hasn’t been easy in this place. Working for someone who can objectively be described as “one of the world’s great arseholes” involves agreeing to the most ludicrous ideas, taking the blame when those ideas go pear shaped (as they pretty much always did) and enduring public dressing down by the idiot who came up with them in the first place. By the time this happened I had almost started to believe his ranting, gaslighting monologues about how it would all have worked if it hadn’t been for my incompetent execution of his “perfect” plans.

It took me a while to realise everyone else could see what he was doing, they just kept silent because it was better to stand by and stare at your shoes than to be the next target of his insane bullying.

Todays the day. I’ve seen out my four weeks notice without incident. Quietly staying low and collating documentary proof of dodgy deals, misbegotten plans and email chains throwing good people under the bus to save face for himself.

Grabbing my bag, I smile and head for the lifts. I don’t even need to stick around to watch the fireworks. Just knowing the CEO will have the information I’ve been holding back for the sake of holding on to this lousy job is enough.

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