A New World

Recently, a famous woman, who was known for space travel, has been able to send others out to a planet to find out if it’s habitable.

This planet has no name yet. It is red with giant, not craters, but bumps sticking out. There is some gravity on this planet, enough to keep you standing there, but too little to limit you to just ground activity.

There are microscopic organisms that live all over, moving at the speed of light. Literally. The astronauts are able to see them duplicating themselves and building themselves into another creature. Nothing has been fully developed yet, but the astronauts, know as the AotSC, Astronauts of the System Creator, can see the organisms developing into something larger.

There isn’t any vegetation, nor any water, and nothing else to really sustain life, so it is unclear so far how the organisms can live. There is the possibility that these organisms get there energy from the light of the sun, but that would only be possible if there was a sun.

The AotSC still have a fair amount of research to do that will be done over the span of some time.

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