Inspired by Nicole Violette
Write a story about a character whose job is to watch surveillance footage of a building all day.
How can you build a story based on what they see through the cameras?
From The Eyes Of The Camera: The Medicare Office Of Stockton
Location: The Medicare Office, Stockton, California, United States.
Day: December 15, 2043
Time: 8:29:34 AM
The Medicare office opens its doors
On another cold, chilly yet sunny day
The doors open up to workers initially
Who get ready and situated, with the mindset of “all work, no play.”
Work has become a staple of Earth
Since Mankind’s Shift in 2030
Where we found out that entertainment has caused a devolution
An evolution to worsen humanity, common sense has went eagerly
Common sense is nonexistent in this new Earth
Everyone believes whatever the news states, no matter if it’s biased
News channels get the money nowadays, for making fake stories
“Dramatize reality” they say, “you’ll be at your highest!”
Commercialism has become a big staple of our world
Everyone always finds a way to exploit a dumb population
Medicare commercials are the worst of them, exploiting the elders
Call the number on your screen, get your money taken away, and maybe live the rest of your life with miseducation
Throughout the day, the employees call and answer
Actual people, not robots, programmed to answer the elder’s questions
If the elders have sense and begin to suspect our humans
They shall be properly taken care of with the sense of formality, and offer many tips about social security checks, money saving, and suggestions.
Suggestions about how they want to spend the last years of their life
Before they lay on their deathbeds awaiting the final moments of…
We all know at this point what happens if a human has run its course
Why do I even need to mention what happened to our founder, Seth?
Seth has been arrested by the police
For possession of methamphetamine in his Tesla
What the department forgot to analyze was Seth’s Mediscamcare
His own small, money-growing fiesta
This camera will continue to eye
Every minute, microscopic detail of the scam network
It will not stop, and you may ask “Why?”
They’ve been programmed to survive for eternity to monitor their work.
A Presentation By: Closed-Circuit Television 2043 (CCTV2043)
Paving Your Way For More Eyes Watching A New Tomorrow