Imagine a character who has never experienced something that is very common for you.

Write a scene about this character experiencing whatever it is that's common for you - you could describe it directly or let your reader guess at what it is...


‘Three square meals a day … what more do you want? A starving kid in Africa would love to have what you’ve got there. All good healthy food that is.’

My mother’s voice resonated in my ears. The constant cliches she used to sprout out.

Squirming on my seat st the table with unfinished dinner in front of me. If you don’t finish your finner you wont get any pudding. My favourite, well that’s easy. Pizza. No, not bought pizza. Home made pizza. I didn’t know that people had takeaway pizza. Pizza base made from flour and water baked on a holey tray topped with a tin of spaghetti a tin of pineapple and grated cheese. Or my absolute favourite curry. Made with mince carrot apple sultanas and curry powder.

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