Create a story or poem using the quote 'Wherever there is the light, the flowers will find it'.


In the darkness it begins

A seed that fell

But light will win

Inside colors of pastel

In the ground a sprout

Weak and humble

But not single doubt

Even in the stumble

It has one thought

Only one purpose

It searched it sought

Until it found the serface

Green leaf popped out

Delighted by the sun

It felt like it could shout

It stretched and spun

Over years others grew

Up they went to cover light

From younger such as you

To blot out sun from your sight

They make your path one of doom

But flowers have something untold

Because unlike rock of tomb

Flowers have something to hold

They are given a gift

They always look up

So they never go adrift

And always have time to sup

Though trees block way

With all there might

They are given enough to stay

Ever looking for the bright

Wherever there is light

Flowers will find it

So that everything is right

And in dark they don’t mind it

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