by Sans @ DeviantArt

Write a thriller or horror story based on this image.
As the princess escaped the tower she has been forced to stay in, she found herself in a yellow grass field, the dark engulfed her, nothing can be seen as she were in a void. The only light source she has was a little lantern glowing fragile lights that seems to could extinguish at any time. Her ornate dress drag through the grasses, making the once pure dress to be defiled. Despite all these, she can’t stop running, she knew something was behind her, seeking her, trying to hunt her down as prey. She heard crows’ caws, it were like ridicules of her pathetic fate. Until she saw a vague profile of a town, she thought she had found shelter for her to hide.
But she couldn’t find anyone, the doors were worn the window was shattered, all showing the fact that this town was abandoned. Just then, a figure appeared behind her, a black, tall, and man-like figure, the fear stunned her. As soon as she recovered from this sudden shock, she tried to flee, but an abundance of them came out of nowhere. She was surrounded by these strange figures that she knew would attempt to kill her.
She was obliged to a dead end, no doubt, there was no way for her to escape anymore. Obliviously she forgot that something else was also chasing her, grass withered as they came out of the dark. This monster vary from the one in this town, unnatural huge smiles on their faces, dark pupils, and their sharp claws all signify that they were deadly beasts. Both creatures desire to kill, but there are only one prey, they began to fight each others. The black figure in town has number advantage, but the smiley monsters are much more powerful. Soon the black figures all died, when they were fighting the princess attempts to run without them noticing. The smiley monster easily catches the princess. Unholy laughter came out from every part of their body as a redicule for her thought of escape, they grab her in their hands and holds her tighter and tighter, until she eventually blasted into a pile of flesh.