"That's my goldfish!"

Write an action or thriller scene that contians this line.

Someone Transformed Shay

“It’s not your goldfish. This is my friend.” Ethan said, looking down on a small child with disdain. It’s lip was quivering and the ballon that was in its hand had begun floating up into the sky.

“But I won that. You can’t have what I won.”

Ethan sighed. How was this his day? He thought it would be a fight at a carnival. Not arguing with a child about a goldfish.

“Why don’t I win you another one?” Ethan suggested.

“No!” The child stamped her foot, “that one’s mine and I want mine.”

Ethan couldn’t understand why children acted the way, he knew when he was a child he wouldn’t be so impudent.

If Shay hadn’t got caught he wouldn’t have to be doing this right now. He glared at the bag, the goldfish inside turned away.

Ethan was astounded. She was giving him attitude after he saved her, he was going to have a serious word with her once the rest of the team found whoever turned her into this.

He gave the bag a gentle shake before returning his attention to the child. They were still staring at him, arms crossed and a mean look on their face.

Ethan sighed, thinking what Chloe or Andrew would do. The two of them were always much better with people than he was.

“I am trying to stop a villain. I am actually a superhero. You don’t want to let the villain win do you?” Ethan said, kneeling down to the little girls level. Meeting her eyes. Doing his best to ignore the obnoxious noises of fair ground noises and blaring music that hammered his ears.

“You don’t look like a superhero.”

“Anyone can be a superhero.”

You don’t have a costume.” The girl said, “or a sidekick. Every good superhero has a sidekick.”

“This is my sidekick. She was stu- silly. She was silly and got captured, now I need to take her back to him so that he can turn her back.”

“What powers do you have? Can I see them? I have never met someone with powers before, one boy in my class said he had powers but then he just farted. Stinky” The girl said, turning her nose up at the memory.

“If I do can I take my friend and you won’t scream?” Ethan asked, hearing a large crash. Knowing without a doubt that it was his friends.

“Yup. But you said you would win me another fish. I want that too.” The girl smiled, she was missing one of her bottom front teeth and through that gap something pink was pushing through. Ethan realised it was her tongue and braced internally. How disgusting.

“Fine, let’s go quickly.” Ethan said turning, raising his hand and the girl squealed in laughter as she lifted off the ground and began floating next to him.

Ethan approached the same booth that he had just been at when he saw Shay get given away and paid the server with the weird eyes some more money to have another go.

“You already got a fish there dontcha?”

“It’s for her.” Ethan said, picking up a ring. Tossing it and landing the first shot perfectly.

“Why don’t ya just give her yurs?”

“Because it’s mine.” Ethan groaned, landing the second shot.

“I don’t rightly feel good about giving away two fish to the same household.” The man said, stepping in front of Ethan before he could make his final shot.

“Ethan anytime now would be great. I don’t know how long we are keeping him fighting in this tent.” Chloe’s voice blared to life in his earpiece.

Leaning around the man Ethan tossed the final ring, landing his shot. Using his power he levitated a fish from the wall to the girls outstretched hands.

“Don’t try and take it from her. She is really stubborn.” Ethan said, flashing the girl a smile. She beamed back before running off, so Ethan did the same.

“You tell anyone about this I will let a cat get you.” Ethan said, holding up the bag with Shay the Goldfish in it.

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