
As the wind whipped up swirls of dust, he covered his face with his wrappings as he begrudgingly persisted. After walking for days with no sign of water his will grew weak. Having been exiled to this ever changing wasteland of sand he began to realize the weight of his actions, regretting his egotistical ways. “If only I hadn’t tried showing off back at the city, mouthing off to the imperial guard. I should have known better. After what had happened to my brother I should have known the guards didnt take insubordination lightly.” The fine particles burn my eyes. The gusts exasperating the already present pain on my skin. “How much longer until i find rest? What rest will i find? A cool oasis blanketed in shade or a deep, final exhausted breath surrendering the last of my will to survive? If only I had kept my mouth shut. What could mother be thinking? Does she even know what happened or does she assume that Im dead? I might as well be. Why should I even continue? What’s left worth living for? My only desire is to have been able to do more in my life, to stand out, make a change. But if this is what i get for trying to stand out then whats the point? Perphaps Im destined to be doomed. Born to die. Alive just to suffer. If only my death had more meaning, like his. Dear brother, how i long to be in your presence once more.”

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