Madness And Nature

I found my waiting area after the degrading security process. Going through the scanner twice and being scanned because of my underwire bra. So annoying ! Upon making it to my gate and trying to find a seat that will give me space I felt I could at least now at least exhale. I put my headphones in my ears and my shades on my face to breathe and just release the frustration. Immediately I hear people saying loudly “What is that ?” Come on...What is going on. People are now jumping up in there seats and backing away clearly frightened. I was confused but there was no one running just people looking in disbelief as this giant iguana was slowly making his exit quickly down the terminal and no one was trying to stop him. Which was understandable. I watched as it made it’s way far from my view. Crazy was all I could think. Please let this time go by quickly! I returned to listening my music just patiently waiting for this flight to board.

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