Inspired by HardCoreWriter

Write a poem focused on strawberries and robots.

How will you incorporate these ideas to stay on topic?

A Natural Touch

E234-9R3 was walking through a field

And as it was walking by

Something caught its eye

A dangling strawberry was out

E234-9R3 got closer to it

So it can see it well enough so it can scan it

To recognize what it is and what it does

It is meant for nourishment

E234-9R3 got out its arm to reach it

E234-9R3 got it, plucked it from where it was

E234-9R3 tried to shove it in his processing unit

However, as E234-9R3 did this, he was glitching

E234-9R3 made noises overlapping each other

E234-9R3’s body was fidgeting crazily

There were strong sparks and flashes

Systems were crashing, it was all going haywire

That is until E234-9R3 had strawberry remains and oil oozing and squirting out everywhere

E234-9R3 had fallen to its knees

E234-9R3 was splattered in oil and strawberry bits

E234-9R3 tried to get up, but slipped

Slipped from the puddle of oil and strawberry bits

E234-9R3 got up once again, only to see a dog

A dog smiling with its tongue out, looking at E234-9R3

E234-9R3 was agitated greatly, messaging FG34-O21 for help

FG34-O21 showed up immediately, standing next to the dog

FG34-O21 put its hands against the dog’s neck and snapped it

In practically milliseconds

FG34-O21 stepped on the dog’s corpse to get E234-9R3 up

They both were up and stepped on the dog’s corpse as they walked away

They both messaged other machines like them

They all came instantly and all walked together simultaneously

Focused on their objective to continue destruction

Causing less humans, animals, plants, and less of a natural touch

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