
Write a story that could be titled 'Fractured'. Think about which themes would feed into this title.


All her life Kendra had never broken a bone, sprained anything, or even gotten stitches. She was careful. And she was proud of this. In school when someone got hurt she made sure to wish them well and add “I’ve never gotten hurt before. Not even a sprain”. To Kendra, this was an accomplishment. It gave her power and pride. Everyone in school knew it too. Kendra Smith had never broken anything. Until one night, she was at a frat party. Her boyfriend Brian was there too. It was a costume party. They went as Barbie and Ken. Kendra and Brian were known as the power couple in school. “High school sweethearts” people thought. Always together, never fighting, always happy. But at the party, Brian had a little too much to drink. He sloppily hobbled his was over to Kendra to try and lure her upstairs. “Brian I did not come to the party to sleep with you and miss all the fun” Kendra said with slight attitude, but a smile on her face because she knew people were watching. “Come on baby” Brian begged, tugging at her shirt and grabbing her by the waist. “No Brian! Leave me alone!” Kendra snapped. “Fine.” Brian cried at her attempt of chastity. He stumbled his way out the door and into a car. Kendra heard the car start and drive away but was too angry and stubborn to run after it. Kendra continued to party and dance with her friends. Later that night, the party had ended and Kendra decided to crash on the frat couch. She slept until 1pm the next day. She woke up to 10 missed calls from Brian’s mom, 20 from hers, and multiple texts from people asking where she was. She stared at her phone in confusion and then it began to ring. It was a random number from someone in her area. She answered the call, and a deathly voice came through, “Is this Kendra?” The voice asked. “Yes..” she replied. “Hi Kendra. This is the Starlight Hospital calling to tell you that your boyfriend Brian passed away last night due to an accident caused by driving while intoxicated. We just thought we’d let you know.” Kendra’s heart dropped to her stomach. She was in disbelief. There was no way that he was gone. Not now, not like this. She stood up, threw her phone across the room, and in that moment, she slammed to the floor. Emotionless. Faceless. Appalled. Kendra’s heart, had fractured into a million different pieces. Kendra was finally broken.

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