by Winterkeep

Write a story, poem, or descriptive paragraph with the title 'In the Golden Night'.

In the Golden Night

I turn the 'OPEN' sign over. Another day in the DMV. I get in earlier than Tholm, which is unusual. He comes in, panting. Claims something crazy just happened.

Eh. I don't really care anymore. It's only a year or two until I can get into art college, where I might have a bit more imagination. But here? Eh.

"No, really, it really happened!" says Tholm, "Eveything, was, like, glowing!" he says.

"Just your imagination. Or maybe a Christmas tree."

"I'm not joking!"

"Fine, I'll check it. You keep an eye on my stall," I say.

So, I look outside, and I trip. When I get up, it's darker than before. Trippy. Somebody spilled something below me. I fall in this, too. That's strange. How deep does it go? I take a stick, and start to prod it. It's really deep, and looks like gold. Then, it starts rapidly increasing. I run back, startled. I try to let go of the stick, but I can't. Then, all of a sudden, it pulls me in. Everything is gold. But then, the puddle shuts. Everything goes black.

In amidst the darkness, a single candle glows. This turns into a crowd of gold, cheering into the above and then pops.This happens again. And again. Soon, the whole sky is full with flying, golden tears. It is honestly beautiful. Trees of gold are erupting below my feet, and I take it all in. Another wormhole opens, and then it's gone.

I run back to tell Tholm he wasn't lying, and it gets lighter outside as I walk. I pause. This could be my own special secret! The day continues, regular as ever.

The next morning, I wake up to a letter on my front porch. It's from an art college!

"Dear Ebenezer Davies,

We have accepted your paragraph.

Please enter our art show,

which could grant you a place

at our school."

Oh my God! Finally! I must think of something to draw, though. How about... the wormhole? That's an amazing idea! So I get to work, using every colour, shape and texture I can, shaping the world I visited yesterday. This looks perfect!

On my way to post it in the mail, the same thing, same wormhole, exact same place, comes again. I'm a lot less hesitant this time. I fasten my bag and jump in, but before I get inside, I hear a voice in my head.

"You have revealed our secrets."

Our secrets? I didn't even know this place existed! And how?

"This world is not your world. If anybody outside of our world tell others about the world, it will disappear."

What about Tholm? He told me!

"He did not actually enter. You had the courage to go inside, and so we have told you our secrets. But, only people with courage can know."

Or what?

"Or..." and then the voice fades out. I return to the outside world.

I take this with a grain of salt, and go on to mail my painting. At the post office, I mail the painting to the art college and walk back. The wormhole comes back. It gets bigger. And bigger. Soon it takes up the whole street.

"You told."

It's that stupid voice again.

"You will not tell again."

How are you gonna make me?

And then, I fall in the wormhole. This time, there is no exit. I will live in this world, for I told their secrets.

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