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Salt has been used for years to ward off evil. But as the oceans are drained and filtered to be made drinkable, the evil that was trapped there is unleashed.
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Salt Free
Salt. It might not seem like much but over the course of thousands of years. Established by the Roman Empire, they believed that salt was capable of warding off something that even them didn’t know of. Now that the waters are being drained frequently for filtration, and more humans populate the planet, the salt levels are rapidly decreasing.
The salt was special, as it was not drinkable, but that was the purpose. To keep it contained the Roman’s had to go to great lengths to keep the water salty. Now as water seems to become salt free, who knows what evil could be unleashed. The water wasn’t supposed to be dranken. The Roman’s did they do we would drink lake water that was rid of salt. Humans quickly used up the lake water though, and it was a very meticulous process to filter the lakes. The oceans were much more diverse and the water would last longer, so humans began to filter ocean water. The process was much less tedious because the oceans were so clean. The reason the dinosaurs went extinct is because of the evil that lies at the bottom of the ocean. The dinosaurs didn’t have anything to stop it from taking out the dinosaur population, and when the meteor hit, it only finished the rest of them off.
Maybe we should’ve all stuck to lake water.
Monday, July 7th, 2054.
4:31 PM
The humans have a very unexpected waking. There is a constant rumble coming from the seas, and even people not close to the oceans can hear the waves violently crashing together as something awakes. The waves seem to get more intense. It almost feels like an earthquake.
The final salt water has been filtered in China. Their filtration machines quickly shut down. Just as the last bit of salt is filtered, a loud boom send shockwaves around the entire planet, causing a global power outage.
People awake to pure darkness, finding themselves unable to turn anything on. Their thermostat has stopped, and the internet has ceased to exist…
The oceans are now completely salt free, but now everyone’s lives are in great danger. People look to the waters but it’s too dark to see anything. In the distance, a creature has just awoken from its thousand year rest. The creature trudges through the water. The water clears for him. The creatures eyes are wide and soulless. It’s jaw hangs open and sharp teeth protrude from its dark red gums. It’s fingers form 13 foot claws that are sharpened and hanging loosely. It’s body is scaly and ridged. It makes its way across the ocean, vengeance hanging in the cool winter air. With nothing to ward off and stop this creature, who knows what it could do. The creature stepped onto the shore, leaving a giant mark in the sand. The people of Florida, oblivious and confused, have no way of knowing the danger that is quickly approaching, and it won’t stop until everyone is gone…