
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

I tugged at the hem of the shorts Anna had put me in. It was a miracle my underwear wasn’t showing.

“You look amazing. You’ve barely gotten out since the beginning of term. I’m gonna get you a drink.”

Before I could grab her arm she slipped through the ascending crowd leaving me alone in a sea of drunk college kids. It was true that I hadn’t gotten out much, but I’m not the type to go out. I’m the type with a bright future based on my gpa and internships.

Muscling my way past drunks, I burst through the crowd. I leaned into the cool wall and took the first deep breath I’d had since we stepped inside the frat house.

“Hey sweetheart, come take a seat. You look like you need a break!”

A drunk guy waved and patted his lap. I scoffed about to tell him to go find some water when a voice chuckled from behind me, “don’t waste your breath.”

I turned to find a guy still staring at his phone. He was tall and looked like a dark take on a frat boy. A rumpled dark gray button down rolled up past his elbows displaying a tattoo sleeve down his right arm and rather than tacky board shorts he had on black jeans that looked as though they’d been pressed…

“Why not?”

He glanced up, “any sort of engagement he’ll take as encouragement. Unless that’s what you want?”

“I don’t…” I sighed, “I just want to disappear.”

“Then definitely don’t engage and you should have worn more clothes.”

“Believe me if it were my choice I’d be covered head to toe.”

He locked his phone shoving it in his pocket.

“You’re clothes aren’t your choice?”

“My clothes aren’t even mine at the moment.”

He laughed and straightened, “I’m Korbin.”

“I’m Imogen, but people call me—“


Anna pushed through a line of people and shoved a glass in my hand.

“Oh good, Korbin found you.”

“You two know each other?” Korbin smiled giving Anna a single armed hug.

“I’ve told you about my roommate Emma.”

Anna took a deep drink.

“Now that I think about it, those shorts do look familiar.”

I glanced down and felt the blush creep up my neck.

“She looks great right?”

Anna kept drinking and Korbin smirked “she looks like the perfect frat party attendee.”

The blush crept higher and I took a sip from the cup Anna gave me.

“Jesus, what is this?”

“It’s extremely cheap vodka.”

I laughed or coughed, I’m not sure which.

“I’m not drinking this.”

Anna smiled dropping her empty cup at our feet, “good more for me.”

She grabbed my cup downing it over the next few seconds.

“So Emma and I are gonna go dance. Korbin, you’re welcome to watch but no touchy touchy. She’s the most goody two shoes girl you’ve ever interacted with.”

“I doubt that.”

I glanced at him to find him staring. I wanted to ask him what he meant but Anna was already pulling me into the bouncing crowd. She moved with everyone around her and led me along with her. I couldn’t help but glance at Korbin, who was already back on his phone.

“Don’t go for him. He’s not the relationship type.”

“And I am? I’ve never even slept with anyone.”

“Wait… you’re a virgin?!”

A couple guys glanced our way and I pinched Anna’s hand.

“Seriously?” She gaped at me.


“We’ll we really need to fix that but Korbin would definitely break your heart.”

“Maybe casual would be good?”

“Not until you’re sure you could handle casual.”

I glanced again at Korbin, but he was gone.

Almost 2 hours later I’d been looking for Anna for almost 15 minutes. I’d lost count after drink number 6 and at this point I didn’t care how trashed she was so long as she was safe. I’d paced back and forth in front of the stairs 5 times trying to get the courage to go upstairs. Ultimately I just sighed and sat down on the second step dropping my head in my hands.

“She’s fine.”

I looked up to find Korbin squatting in front of me with a glass of water.


“Anna is fine. Probably better than fine though I wasn’t going to interrupt to ask.” He handed me the water.

“Thanks… she’s okay? But where is she? I’ve looked everywhere except…”

He raised his brows and I felt the blush creep back in.

“Well I guess I should start walking back to my dorm.”

“Let me grab a sweater.”

“What? You’re not coming.”

“You’re not walking in the dark by yourself so either I am in fact coming, or you’re staying.”

I sighed and looked around for someone I knew but to no avail.


He smirks and steps past me running upstairs disappearing before popping right back out with a black hoodie in hand. He reaches the bottom step and tosses the hoodie at me.

“I thought it was for you.”

“You’ll freeze in that crop top, just put it on.”

I rolled my eyes but pulled the hoodie on as we stepped outside.

“So you’re a virgin?” I froze on the bottom step of the house.

“Really? We haven’t even gotten 10 feet.”

He laughed, “would you rather I wait and make the whole walk awkward?”

I continued walking, “I’d rather not discuss it at all. Though particularly with some guy I just met.”

“It just never happened for you? What did you do on your prom night?”

“I went home and fell asleep as shocking as that is.”

“Alright so it just never happened then?”

“No I was a little busy with school, extracurriculars, and volunteer work.”

“How’d that work out for you?”

I looked over at him expecting a judgmental or critical expression, but he was genuinely asking.

“My education here is free so it worked out really really well.”

“And you don’t feel like you missed anything?”

I thought about it for a minute. High school had been… extreme.

“I missed a lot, but I don’t think physical romance is the first thing I would note on that comprehensive list.”

“And what would be?”

I took a deep breath, “Fun. I don’t think I’ve ever felt carefree enough to just have fun.”

He pulled out his phone and started scrolling through something.

“You dance?”

“I… what?”

“You dance? I can tell you do, but it’s rude not to ask.”

A classical song starts playing and I can’t help but smile.

“I haven’t heard this in years, but do you even know how to dance to this?”

He smirked holding out his hand, “try me.”

I took his hand and he immediately spun me around. We kept moving towards my dorm and he lead the way sending me out and pulling me back in. I laughed and stepped up on a bench letting him lift me back down as the song faded.

“Fun?” He whispered.

“Very fun.”

He laughed stepping away from me.

“You’re far too charming for someone who doesn’t do serious.”

“Who said I don’t do serious?”

“Anna said you’re strictly casual.”

“Are you saying I’m seriously casual?”

I laughed, “I don’t think that’s a thing.”

“Anna isn’t wrong, but she’s not right either. I am strictly casual, but I don’t disappear.”

“Doesn’t make much sense, but I don’t have much experience.”

My dorm was within view, I wished it wasn’t.

“I’d be happy to show you.”

“You don’t even know me…”

“I know you’re smart, you can actually dance, you’re funny, and extremely determined. If you wanted to explore something physical, at least I won’t get in the way of your plans.”

We stopped just outside my dorm.

“You’re serious?”

“I don’t do serious, remember?”

He smirked and moved in close.

“I’ll think about it.”

I crossed my arms maintaining space and watched him nod stepping back.

“You want your sweatshirt back?”

“No I’ll get it back next time.”

“Next time?”

“Yeah, next time.”

He turned and walked back the way we came. I went inside realizing I’d lost my breath. This was a terrible idea.

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