crack flash boom

“Jesus Christ, Jonathan, I’m gonna kill you!” The colour drained from Gabby’s face as she stared up at the sky, her voice high and shaking. I walked over to her, putting a comforting arm around her as thunder boomed once more and she shook.

“What a crybaby you are,” Jonathan sneered. “What, are you afraid of a little thunder?”

I gritted my teeth in rage. Letting go of Gabby for a minute, I glared at Jon. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Don’t you remember? Her brother almost died in a thunderstorm last year. If I were her, I’d be terrified too.”

That shut him up. His cheeks glowed red, and I turned back to Gabby, smiling at her to try and make her feel better. “It’s okay, Gabs. Don’t cry, okay? I know you’re scared, but we’ll be okay.”

Gabby was hysterical. Her voice went up an octave as she wailed, “Jamie got struck next to a tree, and we’re surrounded by trees. Oh my god, we’re gonna die.” A flash of lightning lit up the sky above us as she jumped back into my arms. I held her tight, rubbing her hand with my thumb to calm her.

“We’ll be okay,” I whispered. “I promise we’ll be okay.” Another boom of thunder, then another crack of lightning. Three seconds passed as Gabby shivered in terror, and I felt her bony frame pushing against me. Then another boom of thunder.

“Hey, you hear that?” I carefully pulled Gabby off of me, spinning her around so she was facing me. She was staring, frozen, at the sky, at the big black thunderclouds drenching us with buckets of rain. “Look at me. Gabby, look at my eyes, okay?” With a shaky nod, she met my gaze. “Listen.” Another crack of lightning, then five seconds later thunder yet again. “You hear that? Five seconds between the lightning and the thunder. Last time it was three. The storm is getting further away. It won’t hurt you.”

Gabby’s chestnut eyes shone with tears, tears that fell down her cheeks when she blinked a moment later. “Are you sure?”

“Hannah’s right, Gabs.”

We both turn to look at Jon, looking between us and his shoes. “Look who decided to speak up.”

“Listen.” He sighed. “I’m sorry, okay Gabby? That was a total jerk move, even if that thing didn’t happen to your brother. Come on, let’s give up on the hike. I know you two didn’t even want to go in the first place, and there’s no point going now, in this storm. Let’s all head back to the car and I’ll drive you two home. Sound okay?”

I didn’t even have time to respond as Gabby blurted out, “Yes! Yes, of course. Let’s go home. Please.”

So, Jon in the lead and Gabby holding tight to my hand, we made our way back through the mud to the comfort and dryness of Jon’s minivan.

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