Write a short story from the point of view of a member of staff at the Arrivals gate of a busy airport.
Which events in this job could you focus on to drive an interesting narrative?
I Saw Corrie tenBoom In The Airport
I’ve been working since 5 am, checking in travelers from all over the world. They are all interesting in their own way. Today, though, I think I saw someone unique.
She is an old woman, maybe in her mid 80’s. She’s kind of plain, but she’s got a certain glow. She’s carrying just one suitcase, which is small enough for a carry-on. She checked her larger baggage, which looked heavy. I’m wondering what it holds and if she could be smuggling something- some books, maybe?
I overhear her say how much she is looking forward to going to Russia, of all places. Is she on a mission? She must be very brave.
Or maybe she’s got friends and the luggage holds something for them. Maybe those books are forbidden!
I recollect stories of Bible smugglers from reading about missionaries who risk their lives to bring
Them to those who don’t have access to Bibles in their country. She could be a missionary under cover.