A character must make a life-changing decision in a short amount of time.

Try to make this scene tense and engaging, highlighting the importance of the decision

‘Should’ Is Oh So Agonizing

The words were sharp, and all the geniality had been ripped from Asher’s face in a single moment. “How did you get this?” His fist clenched around the chain, letting the cursed charm dangle freely.

Her heart skipped a beat.

“Daniella?” Theodore sounded confused, and he looked torn.

“Where did you get this?” Asher repeated, his face growing hot with fury.

“Ash.” Penelope grabbed Asher’s shoulder. “Give Daniella the chance to explain herself.” And it was impossible to tell what the brunette was thinking, her face was an impassive mask.

And Daniella could feel her heart in her throat.

It was the poison or the blade.

She could let the lie slip out, weave into their lungs and choke them. She could lie, and they’d never know to condemn her.

Or she could be honest, show them the shattered edges and gruesome smiles. She could let them see for the first time who their real enemy was.

It shouldn’t be a question.

She shouldn’t even hesitate.

She was Daniella of the Thron, the Chosen One, the Heir to a suffocating land.

She should lie.

She should lie and let her friends continue in this little game she had made.

To tell the truth would reveal that she wasn’t their friend and she never could be.

She should drink the poison. Lie. Let the joy and fondness in her chest shrivel up and die.

She shouldn’t put the blade against her neck. Tell the truth. Let their warm gazes and mirthful smiles turn to fury and disgust.

She should preserve the fortress of lies that protected her.

She shouldn’t let them see the truth. She shouldn’t let them see the mastermind behind the puppets.

“I-“ Her voice cracked.

There were tears brimming in Asher’s eyes, but he still spoke with a growl. “The truth, Daniella.”

She stood, feeling her eyes burn. “You know the truth!” She gestured at the cursed locket. “I’m one of the cursed ones with a soul bound to a core.”

Daniella hated how small she felt, the fear that welled up in her lungs like flood waters. “I’m not a ‘good guy’!” She brought her hand back to her chest, though there was no locket to grasp. “I’m not like you.”

“Who are you, if you’re not Daniella?”

Heart stuttering, she looked at Theodore.

“Who are you?” He repeated the question, gaze locking her in place.

“The-“ She took a quivering breath in. “The chosen one. The ‘real’ chosen one.”

“Is this just another lie that you’re expecting us to believe?!” Asher spat, eyes flashing green.

“No!” She snapped, turning to defend herself-

“You come any closer and I’ll destroy it.” Asher lifted the charm, a low growl rumbling out from his chest.

Daniella barely even breathed.

She should have lied.

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