Rest stop

After moving into a new house excitedly unpacking ,cleaning and moving furniture I come across a hidden door but only at first i didn’t know it was a door it appeared as a wall with a mirror and desk attached. As i attempted to move the dresser and i seen it was all attached as one ,I moved it to the right just a bit and there lied a hidden door to an underground passageway . Surprised and a little scared i slowly entered first noticing the small tunnel and all the many writings and illustrations that covered the walls . I began sneezing non-stop from all the dust and ancient objects that collected years of dust and rust , i tripped over what appeared to be the remains of what looked like was at some point eating supplies ( old ragged bowls and cups ) . As i went further down i noticed what looked like could be a map on the walls one side pictures and symbols on the other side lyrics to old songs and negro spirituals were craved into the walls . For the next month the mystery of this cave would contain all my thoughts , it became a daily task , deep cleaning adding lights and doing all that can be done to see just what hides behind this hidden wall or where does this hidden wall lead would ponder in my mind all day until i figure it out .

2 weeks went pass and all the collectibles that i gathered from the tunnel now sat in a row as if they were on jury in a trial , starring , pondering ,gazing anxiously but mostly confused .

I couldn’t add my thoughts up so I went back for more this time making it to the end of the tunnel to find a exit or what use to be but now is covered with concrete her mind pondered she gathered the rest of what was left in there while screaming out in agony from hitting her foot on what some kind of statue that couldn’t be recognized because of the decrepit state . Finally dragging all the remaining objects out of the tunnel she had no idea the discovery she was about to unfold . . .

After 3 hours of cleaning the statue trying to reveal its mystery as it became more clear terror , surprise , joy and pain shot through my body all at once i didn’t know how to feel i was looking at a Lawn Jockey holding a lantern though the paint and colors were tarnished it was still recognizable , after discovering what it was i popped back up with a flashlight going back to the tunnel to observe what i may have over looked , the illustrations on the wall as i looked closely my Heart fluttered and legs began to tremble as i starred at the intricate quilt designs as i look at one by one closely stating out loud “Monkey wrench ,wagon wheel, bears paw, cross roads, log cabin ,bow tie ,star etc.” tears filled my eyes because what i was seeing i couldn’t grasp the concept i was about to face i thought to myself “these are quilt designs , Underground Railroad codes , the lawn jockey , the cups bowls , the tunnel this is a . . . This was a conductors station” i then sat in the tunnel where a unexplainable energy emerged over me i was sitting in spots my ancestors and my people were in on their fight to freedom . I didn’t know what or how to feel should i be proud , should i be sad , do i feel nothing ?

Thinking to myself i just knew it was history and it had to be preserved

6 months later after extensive studying , traveling , building , & researching i decided to use my house as a tourist attraction i feel compelled to share such a gem it would do nothing for my to keep for myself i would be degrading the spirits of this house if i chose to destroy or ignore the rich history of this place .

What use to be a “underground railroad station” for enslaved people to hide and fight their way to freedom and seek safety became my home and precious gem & i have to share it with all who share the same love that lives so effortlessly in the spirit of this house .

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