Write a paragraph about a first date, where you include an adverb in every sentence.

Adverbs describe verbs (eg quickly, quietly, excitedly). Try to fit them into your sentences alongside appropriate verbs, so the adverbs don't feel forced.

A Timeless Romance

It was finally the day of our first date, I remember how he asked me out rather excitedly. I nervously accepted as we made arrangements for dinner today. I slowly slid on my favorite dress, It was a pale pink with splashes of color from the flowers strewn about it. I diligently applied my make up as I glanced at the clock. Before I knew it his car had arrived in my driveway quickly followed by him knocking on my door. I opened it to find him on my doorstep anxiously holding flowers out to me. I happily accepted them and followed him to his car. He clumsily opened the door for me, I was barely able to stifle my laughter. He hurriedly drove the car to the restaurant. We barely spoke the whole drive. When we arrived at the restaurant, the valet quickly took the car as we entered the massive building. The host greeted us excitedly as he ushered us to our table. The other diners spoke quietly amongst themselves as we passed. Our table was upstairs on the second floor balcony. We excitedly sat down as we were in awe at the city lights at night. Almost all of dinner was spent asking ice breaker questions, a few laughs were shared. I would say it was a very good night. Time seemed to rather speed up was before we knew it two hours had passed. We both agreed that we needed to get home. He slowly walked us to the valet and retrieved the car. He rather slowly helped me in as if wanting this night to never end.The drive seemed to go rather quickly as the conversation flowed this time. Before we knew it, we were outside my house. He looked longingly into my eyes as time seemed to abruptly halt as he made his move. I felt his lips connect with mine and it seemed the heavens opened abruptly around me. It was like magic as it made my head spin slowly. I excitedly kissed him back, wanting to keep the magic alive. After what seemed like one hundred blissfully slow years our lips disconnected. We were both flushed from the feeling and we awkwardly said our goodbyes as I swung open the car door. I hastily walked to my front door and found my keys in my purse. I quickly opened my door, stepping inside before shutting it again. I leaned against it quietly as I relived the kiss, my heart fluttering from the memory. I quickly got ready for bed and decided to try and rest. My phone pinged as he sent me a text,He says he wants to meet again. I abruptly fall asleep before I can answer.

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