Write a story that centres around playing a game.

truth or dare?

“come on, just do it!”

“no, have you never been in one of these? i’d rather eat that raw chicken.”

“it’s the rules, dude. you got this.”

lida, jon, beck, harry, georgie, and tina all stood in the men’s bathroom at an empty gas station. the group was playing truth or dare, and harry was dared to lick the bathroom floor.

“if you don’t do it, you’re disqualified,” lida reminded him. harry took a deep breath, found the cleanest looking spot of the bathroom, and licked the floor.

everyone cheered, and harry rinsed his mouth out at the sink.

“alright harry, it’s your turn,” jon said.

“beck, truth or dare?”

“truth,” beck answered. harry contemplated what he was going to ask beck.

“what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?”

beck had an answer in seconds. “when i broke my great-grandmothers urn playing soccer in the house.”

“oh that’s not that bad,” georgie exclaimed.

“what if i was aiming for it?”


“yeah, that’s pretty bad.”

“jesus christ!”

beck smiled at his friends reactions. he made up the urn story. he had an answer for all the common truth or dare questions. he knew how to make it interesting.

“ok, tina. truth or dare?” tina thought about it.

“dare,” she said.

“let us dm someone from your insta account.” tina regretted her decision immediately.

“screw you,” she said, pulling her phone out of her pocket. the other four gathered around beck as they decided who to message. they finally settled on one of their classmates, reggie lake, who tina hated with all her heart and soul (she reminded them of this on a daily basis).

the message read, “hey regsicle! it’s titi!!!! i hope you’re having a funky friday!!! would you do me a favor and send me all your used tissues???!!!! thanks so much honey bunny!!!!”

“i fucking hate all of you,” tina said when she read the message.

but that was the price of playing the game.

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