Judges Of Man (Short): How A+J=◎


How I met Adon was not a pleasant experience. I had found him being pummeled to the ground in an alleyway by older boys in his school as I was walking home. Now, at the time, I was going to leave him there to his tormentors—he wasn’t even from my school and it had nothing to do with me; I had rather not to get my hands bloody so early in the year. I had a reputation to uphold.

But then a bully spotted me, my private school uniform and all, and said the last words he’d ever speak to me. “Yeah! Mind your own business, Ching-Chong.”

I frown on myself to this day at the lack of restraint I had when pummeling those boys into the cold, unforgiving concrete ground of the alley.

I went to leave when I felt a shaky hand grab the bottom of my pants. “Th-thank you.” Slowly turning my head to look down at the boy, I saw his dark brown face bruised and caked with drying blood. His lip was swollen and his thick hair was sticking up in all the wrong places. He smiled at me though, relived, as though I had permanently released him from his torment.

I huffed and kicked him away, a smirk coming to my face when I heard him whimper. “Don’t touch me, pussy,” I hissed.

I walked away that day, thinking it was the last day that I would see that boy.


**_2 Years Later _**

In my junior year of highschool, leaning against a tree in the woods by my home, I was busy reading a book on tactics and ways to form a thought in someone’s mind and create it like a memory. I don’t exactly recall what I read in there, but it must have been good, for when I felt a tap on shoulder.

Thinking it was my older brother, I shoved them away. “Piss off, I’m not going to deal with you right now.”

I started when they whimpered be behind me. “I-I’m sorry,” they—he—said, stammering out an apology, “I just saw you here and thought you were lonely….”

I turned to see that boy for that one time. That one time where my control slipped. I blinked slowly, his wide brown eyes staring at me with such tainted innocence that I had to smile. I had wanted to try something that year, but I had yet to find someone to manipulate. Maybe that meeting two years ago was fate.

“As if rather seems, I am,” I scooted closer to him, remembering about that one book I read just for this, “My name’s Jack. Would you like to keep me company?”


I stared at the mess in the front of the car, sighing as I scratched the back of my head. “Quite a mess you made, Adon, I’m disappointed.”

Adon shuffled beside me, eyeing the mess just as warily as he eyed me. He tucked his hands deeper inside his oversized hoodie, biting his lip deep enough for beads of blood to form on its soft, supple surface. “I’m sorry.” His hold on his lips deepened and he looked at the body splattered against the brick wall. Its guts were spilling and the blood was pooling, reflecting the moon’s subtle light. “We should stop doing this—I—I—“

I sighed again—for show this time, I couldn’t have Adon giving up on me this late in the game could I? Reaching softly, I grabbed his chin with the tips of my fingers and lifted his face to mine. I made sure my breath was just right, warm enough to coax Adon even further and keep him from questioning. “Oh, my dear, sweet Adon,” I prodded his bottom lip with my thumb, causing him to loosen the bite of his teeth, “You want to stop now? Leave me all alone doing this?” I brought my lips to him, both hands going to his neck to hold him in place. Adon shivered against me, before melting into my hold, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me closer. I deepened the kiss as I thought of my next move if he continued to resist, but thankfully I didn’t have to go that route.

“I’ll stay!” He eyed the car again. “But can we stop cleaning cars? They’re going to find out anyway.”

I gave him a sharp smile, pulling him for another kiss. I whispered against his puckered lips, watching as his wide eyes darkened at the form of me. He should, I truly am handsome. “Of course, as long as you stay.”

“I’ll stay.” He says this quickly, firmly. “I’ll stay forever.”


_(I just realized, after I posted this, that the title looks like A. J. Kit’s username. 😭 Anyways, no, I do not approve of relationships like this but these are the only damn relationships I can fucking WRITE!_

_Tell me what you think of Jack and Adon’s vague backstory. Thanks for reading and have a great day! ❤️)_

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