Your protagonist is visiting their relatives, when they realise that an important family heirloom that was entrusted to them has gone missing.

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We were all eating dinner when I happened to notice it. I had remembered that I was wearing a pair of my mother’s old ear rings to try and impress her. My mother was a cold person who hardly ever left the house. A lot of the neighbors even joked about her being a witch behind her back. It was quite a thing that she would even gift them to me. But now i noticed one of them was missing.

My little sister must have noticed me feeling my earlobes with my fingers, searching for the missing little skull pendant that made up the stud. “Whats the matter Shelly? Lose an ear ring?”

“Oh it must be around here somewhere.” I assured back, my mother looking up from her plate.

“Which ear rings did you wear?” Mother asked, suddenly growing confrontational.

“The ones you gave me.” I admitted blankly.

“You lost one of the skulls!?” She suddenly began to get very angry with me. “You just went and LOST it!?”

“Mom, its alright! We can search the house for it after we eat!” I tried to defend myself but mothers face had turned beat red.

“Have you any idea what you have done!?” She asked in a scathing voice. “Do you know what those ‘death’s head pendants’ are even for!? No of course not because you are a foolish child! You have no idea what you have done!”

“Done what Mom!? They are just Ear rings its alright!”

“Just ear rings!? Just ear rings!?” She kept repeating madly. “Those pendants have enough black magic enchanted into them to level an entire city! And you went and lost one of them!”

I spit the water out I had been sipping. “Come again?”

“You lost one of the most powerful weapons in the world.” My mother stated bluntly.

“Magic!? Weapons!? Mom what the hell are you talking about!?”

“This is why I never taught you about witch craft. It runs in the family you know… but you cannot even guard a simple pair of ear rings!”

“You should not have given me something like that in the first place without telling me what it was!” I shouted back at her.

The desperate hunt for the lost Ear Ring had begun. . .

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