
“Dear spirits and gods, hear my prayers. In exchange for blood, grant my wish. Take this one’s humble heart and with it take vengeance upon my enemies.”

With jubilant eyes I gazed upon the golden statue in front of me.

“May the roads be flooded with their blood, and their minds torn asunder.”

With clenched fists I stared down at the golden encrusted dagger. It’s slim blade tapered down to a beautifully sharp edge, with deceitfully lovely engravings. It seemed to tell a story, one which I could not understand, all I could make out was the last image. A large beast stood hunched over their heart, almost piously.

My heart clouded with shadow for only a second before I reached for the dagger’s hilt. With trembling hands I placed it before my heart.

With this, I could get revenge, my life would be complete. There would be no regret.

Without hesitation I plunged it into my beating.

Within seconds I heard the wailing. The cries of the dead, they cursed and mourned for the most unnatural of sacrifices: the most deceitful curse. The sound echoed all around me, seemingly never ending. All too late, I realized what I had done.

There was no completeness, only emptiness. I was fates fool, but there would be no going back.

Soon after, I was overcome by tremendous pain. My body itched and burned as it bubbled and protruded outwards in unnatural directions. Lips were bitten bloody amongst the endless screams as I was quickly overtaken by darkness. The world dimmed quickly, conscious thought turned to instinct.

I had sold my humanity for a drop of blood.

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