As the only person in your town without a magical ability, you're constantly having to find ways to convince people that you do, for fear of them finding out.


My town is called Magician. As you can guess everyone does things the easy way. I am an outsider here because I have no powers. My parents have powers but it never passed down to me. I did weird things like actually using my hands to pick up things. I even changed clothes in rather strange way. While everyone else was zapping away; I was the strange one. Can you imagine being the odd one out even in your own family?At first, I thought that I was a late bloomer. After all, I was born into a magical family. Everyone at school called me the “m” word “muggle”. I could not talk to my family about it because they wouldn’t understand. My sister taught me a few simple spells to impress every in Town. It did not work. I guess I will have to go a place where I am truly accepted. I am going to Miami.

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