Humans traditionally have five main senses: create a new one.

You could draw inspiration from the senses of other animals or plants and describe how it would feel for humans, or you could invent a completely new sense!


I once got lost in the forrest when I was a kid. We lived in the woods and I had been walking for an hour when I realized I didn’t know how to go back home. We didn’t have cellphones at that time and the compass I brought with me didn’t seem to be working. No matter where I turned to, it was always pointing in my own direction.

I figured out I should just take a guess and walk forwards until I found a place where I could ask someone to call my parents. Chances are I would be unable to walk in a straight line and end up where I came from. I didn’t. I walked straight back home. My parents called that a miracle.

When I was in high school, we started getting computing classes to get use to this new technology. I always seemed to be creating the most ridiculous bugs that had never been seen before. At some point, whenever I touched the computer, it froze or something else went wrong. My teacher joked saying I had “magnetism.”

I realized it was true the day I met her. We were literally attracted to each other, like some kind of force was leading me into her arms. As soon as I touched her, nothing could ever bring us appart. She felt the same way. That girl too had been dealing with issues related to magnetism. I was her negative and she was my positive. I guess opposite attracts. We were two magnets meant to find each other.

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