Suzy Lee

One morning on October the 3rd

They found Suzy Lee in her bedroom

Cold and seemingly dead

Who could kill Suzy Lee they cried?

Little did they know

With a slender frame and long blonde hair

And skin clear, smooth, and fair

Eyes blue, crystal, and clear

A reflection any girl would wish for in a mirror

With a kind-hearted smile

And fabulous, impeccable style

She was compassionate and full of grace

She was charming and wealthy but knew her place

She had everything any girl could ever dream of

Doting parents, lots of friends, endless amounts of love

So it was quite peculiar when they reported her life expired

And they tried to figure out her murder transpired

But what they had to conclude was quite terrible, and to them, made no sense

Half past 10:30 while her parents were out and about

Suzy Lee said good-bye to her friends and went up to bed

Took out a gun and calmly shot herself in the side of the head.

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