



Write a story including these three words

Still cringey but, I kinda like it lol

Me and rattlesnake bake a cocaine cake.

Now the pig is awake and he digs his head in.

The pain in his brain was like an elephant jumping on your head because it fears the rain.

That was a lot to be said, I kinda feel brain dead.

Isn’t it insane when you see an elephant act like a chicken, in fact I think that elephant in particular was related.

I think I might stick with her, sorry I meant the human because I think we might be fated, but, last time I said that the woman was gone like a blink.

I’m a tap, bury my tears in the sink.

I need to see a shrink.

Shit, I forgot to feed the lion, he’s now likely dyin’. Hopefully he’s flyin’ in a better place.

He’s possibly making people wetter, in their pants of course.

Filled a cup o’ tea, o’ so full o’ glee, then I spilt it all over me, fuck my face is melting.

I’m stuck in this rhyme and in time i’ll have a conversation with a mime.

No, not any mime a gorilla, and we’ll go to a villa and fill-a poolside with broken stools from the bar.

You know the bar, the one from a distance a far, five gold stars.

Come on gorilla let’s dance like monkeys from Mars. Better yet on an open road blocking cars.

Stocking up so much vehicles we need to unload.

The rust prickles but tickles too.

I’m going to steal a rich mans shoe, Gucci WOOHOO!

I have to end this for a desperate poo.

Wait? you’re still here? i’m in the loo.

I hate when this happens.

it dampens my soul to a whole.

Don’t tell anyone but I may have stole that gorilla, that rattlesnake and that pig from the zoo.

I gotta run they’re after me!

No I own that lion fuck you officer!

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