Submitted by r.d.m

Write a letter to someone on your mind.

Or write a letter to someone on a character's mind.

Words I Cannot Say... But Can Write

I love you. I always have and always will care about you. You have changed me in so many ways but the main thing that has changed is me. You have made me so small. I used to be as tall as a tree, those trees in California that grow hundreds of feet. Now, I'm an ant, or a piece of dust compared to those trees...

I cannot stand up for myself. I cannot do what is right even when I know it's right. My brain is the size of a pea, it cannot function without your input. I always feel like I am doing something wrong. I always feel like I cannot please you enough. Please tell me how. Please tell me how to be right for you. Please. I beg.

I feel like I found myself, crumpled myself up like a sheet of paper and threw myself into the trash bin. How could someone you love so dearly make you feel so worthless? Is this what love is? Is this is sacrifice everyone talks about? The sacrifice for the person you love, who you would do anything for? Lose anything for? Be anything for? Is this love? What am I feeling?

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